Tiny hands

Tiny hands

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pretty Princesses

Tonight was filled with Duplos and dolls. You told your daddy to "get outta my face" when he was playing with you at the kitchen table. Later you said "I toot" when sitting on the couch with me. Which is new because before, it was always "I poop." Maggie got to play dress up (not her choice) with you tonight. She makes a pretty princess-- just like you. You got 4 Disney books as a late Christmas present from your Uncle Kenny in the mail today. There was no note so mommy had to take to Facebook to find out- although, I was 99% sure it was him. Each book comes with a charm necklace- that you call "jingles." So for the first time tonight you wore a necklace and it also led to a huge tantrum getting it off. You are now in the Older Toddler (aka 2-year-old) classroom at school. You are doing so well and I'm so proud of everything you learned, did and made in the Young Toddler room.

All my love,

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