Tiny hands

Tiny hands

Monday, January 21, 2013

Remember, you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine

I truly love every moment I get to spend with you.

Yesterday morning we went to see "Baby Brooke" and give her her birthday presents. You acted very shy but you loved seeing her. Then we went to Nan and Paps place. You played tea party and princesses with Nan and Paps. We watched the Falcons lose in the NFC championship and everyone was sad. But- the Ravens won the AFC championship (while you were sleeping) - mommy and daddy are very thrilled!

Today was Martin Luther King day so mommy had off work and got to spend the day with you. We went to Chuck E Cheese and ate lunch. We played some games and rode rides. You were so happy and had a wonderful time. Aunt KiiKii even joined us after awhile and played too. Then we went to Kids Klothes and got some tumble clothes, a bathing suit and Belle jammies. After nap we played tea party, painted your nails, watched a little TV (Diego and Bubble Guppies) and jumped on the trampoline. Mommy was out of the room at one point and Mozy and Maggie stated fighting. It really upset you and they got in big trouble. I hope you don't have nightmares about it :(

I am so blessed to have you as my daughter.


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