Monday October 7
You've been running around the house singing/yelling "I don't care! I love it!" over and over and over and over.... Well, I hate that song.... and I have no idea where you heard it....
Tuesday October 8
Me: Did you have fun at tumble?
O: Yes.
Me: What was your favorite part?
O: Spending it with you.
Wednesday October 9
Mommy and daughter picture after getting home from school.
Friday October 11
We got a surprise day off of school because of the incredible amount of rain. So I decided today was the day we were going to really start your potty training! You've been doing really well!
Then we went to Chuck E Cheese! They got a couple new rides too!
Sat Oct 12
We went shopping with Nan and Paps!
Sunday October 13
We went with Aunt Kimmy to the Renaissance Fair. You dressed up like a princess. You got a medal from the queen at the costume contest. We also went trick or treating and painted a pumpkin together! The highlight for me was seeing you on an elephant! Not many people get that opportunity!
Monday October 14
Another day together off of school! We went shopping and ate lunch at Chilis. That afternoon we got the family pictures taken with daddy's side of the family.
All week you wanted to listen to the song "What does the fox say?" A little ridiculous but funny. This was also your first full week in the 3s room. You've learned the letter C and D. You are thrilled that you get to play on the "big kid playground!" So proud of you!