Tiny hands

Tiny hands

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Makes me feel like I can't live without you...

"Many will travel to hear you speak" was your first ever fortune cookie you opened on March 21st. I would not be surprised you are a good speaker.

On March 23rd we had a busy day. You went to visit the Easter Bunny at the mall and got your picture taken. You did very well- you've always loved the Easter Bunny! (Santa is one one we usually have problems with!) After nap we took you bowling for the first time! You seemed to really enjoy it! They had a cool contraption that all you had to do was push the ball down the ramp. We tried to let you push it by yourself once and it ended up getting stuck in the middle of the lane! The weather was decent so we spend a little while outside and you drove your power wheel jeep around out back.

Sunday (3-24) we dyed Easter Eggs in the morning. You liked putting stickers on the eggs. After nap we went down to Nan and Paps. Mommy was at the makeup party and you hung out with Paps! Before we left you got to say goodbye to Kasper. He was very sick with Kidney failure and passed away the next morning :(

Monday night we took you to the doctor. Turns out you have allergies, which turned into a sinus infection and led to postnasal drip. You would wake up in the night with a nasty dry-heaving like cough. It was pretty scary. So you get to take Claritin every morning and you were also put on antibiotics for the first time in your life. We had a pretty good streak going. Most babies don't make it a year :)

On Thursday morning I asked you if I could go to your class Easter party and you said "No. You too big. You can't come. You stay here."

Yesterday wasGood Friday and we had off school. We went shopping with Aunt Kii Kii and ate lunch at Isaacs. Later Nan and Paps came up to play at our house while mommy and daddy went out for dinner.

We have a busy next couple of days so I'll have to write about those later. This morning you started yelling "I found gold! I found gold!" and you came running over to give me a quarter.

Love you so much.... as well as your little personality,

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