Tiny hands

Tiny hands

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just The Way You Are

These lyrics remind me of Olivia :)

"Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Oh you know, you know, you know
I'd never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same"

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What No One Tells You About Becoming A Mom…

So I was asked by a friend of mine to go (this was awhile ago) and speak with her class about being a new mom. Unfortunately I had to decline. The good thing would have been I could have scared them into not having children… the bad thing is I possibly could have scared them into not having children.... ever.
I absolutely l-o-v-e-d being pregnant so I will skip over the conception, pregnancy, labor and delivery since on a scale of 1-10 I give those nine months a 9.5. I had to take off .5 because of the 6 weeks of nausea—but not a full point because I never needed to actually throw up. Plus, that all seems like a distant memory now anyway… so I’m going to write about what happens after they place that beautiful little human into your arms that will now change your life forever…
The recovery after giving birth, for me, was more painful than the actual delivery. (and yes, I did have an epidural.) The good part about this, though, is that you really don’t have a lot of time to focus on the pain you are in because you have a little one to focus all your energy on. It took about 4 weeks for the pain to completely go away although within a week I was already doing things that my doctor probably would have scolded me for. I didn’t really “take it easy..” oh well, I didn’t really feel like I needed to. Even now though, 4 months later, I don't feel completely "normal." Nothing horrible.
Baby Blues:
I was pretty sure I was going to get locked up in the crazy house since every time I broke down in the hospital a nurse walked in. Around 4pm, every afternoon, was my breakdown and cry time for about two weeks. It was scary how hard I actually cried the first couple days, I mean it was to the point I couldn’t breathe. I’m sure Hubby thought I was a lunatic too. I cried over a picture of my dogs, not feeling like I loved Olivia enough yet, having a student nurse come in when there was a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door to do a PRACTICE exam on me that lasted 20 freaking minutes and then she asked if she could take my baby to the nursery.. and other things that I don’t remember but would probably laugh at now. It is rough having to deal with the pressures of being a new mom on top of your sheer exhaustion. (Plus, I had two annoying dogs to deal with too.) It's hard to explain just how hard it is.... it is just one of those "been there - done that" sort of things.
Feeding Your Baby:
I told my mom not too soon after getting home that if God really wanted babies to get their mommy’s milk then he shouldn’t have made it so damn hard to do! Breastfeeding so far has been the most difficult experience of all. It has caused me and Olivia a lot of frustration and tears. There were a few nights when I was hysterical and poor Hubby couldn’t do a thing. He went out and bought me a pump one day it was so bad. No one tells you that depending on the way you are shaped or how you baby’s mouth is shaped how drastically it can change how difficult feeding can be. I spoke to 3 lactation consultants and guess how many different opinions and tutorials on breastfeeding I got? Yup. Three. One put me on a plan that had me feeding her and then pumping 4 times a day for “insurance.” So I felt like all I was doing was feeding and pumping especially when she hit a growth spurt and wanted to eat practically every hour. I didn’t have any time to enjoy being with my baby. I breastfed for 1 week and pumped for 1 month. Of course I beat myself up because I wanted to give her the best- what mom doesn't- but I couldn't be the best mom to her breastfeeding.
The Cost of a Baby:
Plus, to top it off, if you are like me you buy every single thing that is "cute" -- whether you need it or not--- including clothes, toys, books, etc. Lucky for us we were able to rearrange our home to accommodate a "playroom" for all the toys she's acquired... yes... just 4 months and she already needed a playroom.
Your Body:
Oh Lord. Let's just say things will never be the same again. Ever.     The End.
Freak Outs!
SIDS. fevers. diarreah. dehydration. constipation. stuffy nose. diaper rash. too hot or too cold? why is she still crying? why is she not crying, I haven't heard her ALL night!? bath water too warm? bottle too warm? did I forget something at home?
Going Back to Work:
This was hard for me to accept -- because there was really no logical way I could stay home-- and the cause for many of my meltdowns over the first 3 months.  I didn't want to miss anything.... but eventually I came to realize (in my opinion) that she will probably get much more from being in baby school than sitting at home with mommy watching chick-flicks. Besides, I get precious hours to spend with her in the evenings, weekends, snowdays, holidays and summer time... and I now make that time count.
The Greatest Gift of All:
With everything that has happened over the past 4 months I can say it does, in fact, get easier. Olivia is eating more now and less frequently. She goes to bed at 8, after her bath, and sleeps mostly through the night- waking up around 6am. (and boy is she a morning person.. unlike her mother and father..) She's starting to be able to do more and interact more. She loves to smile -- which can make a horrible day seem like the best day ever. It is so incredible how something so very small grows over nine months... then comes into your life and grows even more. Every day is amazing and brings something new. Every thing I mentioned above- doesn't even matter when I look at her.... it is all worth it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

You and Me 2010

So I made Olivia what was once called a "mixed tape"... although today it was a mixed ipod playlist burned onto a mixed cd. I was thinking that when it comes to the day she might listen to it (and care about it) she may not have a way of listening to it. (Does anyone have a tape player?? See? I think not.)
So.. in short, I want to give her a way to read a diary of sorts about her firsts years with me and her father. Therefore, I created this blog to give that to her. She can come here one day and read what songs are on this mysterious CD in her baby box and she can't find a CD player to listen to it!

A lot of these songs are really just songs that I loved and listened to a lot during my pregnancy and her first couple months... and some actually have special meanings..

Firework (Katy Perry)
This will be your theme song for years to come. I want you to be a little firework and shine.

"Do you know that there's still a chance for you cause there's a spark in you
You just gotta ignite the light- And let it shine- Just own the night- Like the Fourth of July
Cause baby you're a firework- Come on show 'em what your worth"

DJ Got Us Falling in Love Again (Usher)
This is my favorite song of 2010. I listened to it a lot and even after you were born we danced around the kitchen together listening to it.

Only Girl In The World (Rihanna)
I want this for you... I want you to find that person who makes you feel like you are their everything.

Doesn't Mean Anything (Alicia Keys)
The overall meaning of the song to me is that without you in my life nothing else would matter

"Used to dream of being a millionaire,
without a care but if I’m seeing my dreams
and you aren’t there that just won't be fair."

Grenade (Bruno Mars)
Basically I would do anything for you.

OMG (Usher)
Huge song this year. "Oh my gosh, I'm so in love, I found you finally."

Impossible (Shontelle)
Probably my second favorite song this year. I sang this song over and over to you while you were growing in my tummy.

Mine (Taylor Swift)
Plain and simple- "You are the best thing that's ever been mine."

Dancing On My Own (Robyn)
Another song I sang to you and we danced to.

Somebody to Love (Justin Beiber)
He was huge this year. I'm sure if you were old enough you'd be one of the girls with his poster on your wall.

Find Your Love (Drake)
Just one of those songs we liked to listen to in the car together. "I bet if I give all my love then nothings gonna tear us apart."

Kings and Queens (30 Seconds to Mars)
This is the most popular song (as of now) off this CD- which happened to be my absolute favorite this year (maybe ever.) We listened to this CD quite a lot. We even went to their concert... and although you were just a tiny peanut in there I'm sure you had a great time. (Even though you tried to kill me but that is another story for another song on this mixed cd.)

Nothin' On You (B.O.B)
"Beautiful girls all over the world, I could be chasing but my time would be wasted, they got nothing on you, baby." I hope you realize how beautiful you are inside and outside.

Animal (Neon Trees)
This is just a fun, happy, song that came on the radio all.the.time. They actually played second at the concert I mentioned above- before this song became big. The first band that played was some drumline group that I don't think you liked very much. I ended up getting light headed and almost passing out about 10 minutes into the concert. I sat on the floor at daddy's feet for a little while, got some water and made it through the rest of their playing. By the time Neon Trees came out to play I think you were a little more happy.

Please Don't Go (Mike Posner)
This song came out after you were born. We liked to listen and sing along together.

Just A Dream (Nelly)
Another good song that came out after you were born.

Strip Me (Natasha Bedingfield)
We saw her perform this song on TV one day before I went to work. I said in a letter to you before you were born that I want you to know how to say no but never take no for an answer.
"I'm only one voice in a million but you aint taking that from me."

Radioactive (Kings of Leon)
Good song! Listened to it a lot.

We R Who We R (Ke$ha)
Your aunts sang this song over and over during the holidays.
"We’ll be forever young. You know we’re superstars.We are who we are!"

Pregnancy Blog

These are the original posts from my Pregnancy Blog. You can start at the beginning to watch our journey from positive pregnancy test to the arrival of little Olivia!

Welcome Olivia Marie! 10/11/2010 
I woke up to a strange sensation at 2:15am on Wednesday September 29, 2010.  At first I thought I was using the bathroom until I realized I couldn't stop. (I read somewhere that only 10-15% of women have their water break without having contractions first.) I called the doctor and was told to give it 45 minutes because if indeed it was my water breaking it wouldn't stop.  I had a good feeling we'd be heading to the hospial so I got a quick shower, called the doctor back and got ready to go. We got to the hospital a little after 3am. They checked me ( I was 80% effaced and 2cm) and I was admitted at that time.

My contractions never got regular- I never really felt them even though they gave me 3 hours to see if they would do so.... so at 7am they gave me pitocin to get them kick-started. It moved pretty quickly after that (which I'm lucky- picocin can make it go SLOW). Before I knew it I was 5cm and I finally felt what a contraction feels like. It sucked- very painful if I'm being honest. I didn't make it long before I said "epidural please!" After that I didn't feel any pain at all.

I was stuck in the bed the entire time. At first they weren't seeing what they needed to see from Olivia on her heart monitor so they had me on a fluid IV. (Side note: it is SUCH a pain to unplug and IV unit from the wall and monitors every 20 minutes to use the ladies room....) Then, once they saw what they needed to see they got me on the pitocin IV. To top it all off I got an internal monitor to measure my contractions AND I had to wear an oxygen mask to help Olivia's heartbeat remain steady.

The next time they came in after getting my epidural I was 8cm.... not soon after was 9cm and finally I got to 10cm! They wanted me to labor down- or wait to push until the pressure was too much that I couldn't wait any longer. I started pushing at 1:40 and she arrived at 2:15pm! She was 7 lbs 4.8oz and 19.5 inches long.

Just a note... 09/19/2010
Dear Baby,

You now have 2 weeks left until your estimated time of arrival. I wish you would let me know when you would get here and how much you'll weigh because that would be a big help. I've been trying to keep the house as clean as possible since who knows when that time will come when we have to rush off to the hospital. I've been slacking on packing the hospital bag because it is honestly too confusing. With all the stuff they suggest you pack I will need the biggest suitcase I can find. I think I may just go with the basics and make it work- or send daddy home to get it later.
Also, it is hard to buy and organize your clothes since I don't know what size you will be wearing. I've done the best I can, although your father will still dress you in things that won't fit you or won't match- just to warn you ahead of time- and I won't even mention what will happen when you have hair he'll need to put up in ponytails for you...

We are ready for you here, in your new home. Physically anyway. I don't think we'll ever be ready mentally- but we will be the best parents to you that we can possibly be. You have been the perfect little tenant these 9 months. I feel like a very lucky mommy that I haven't really had anything to complain about- minus the 4 bottles of Tums I've gone through. I can eat whenever I want, however much I want and I can sleep through the night- every night- and in a bed. I'm hoping this is a sign of things to come- but if not, we will get through it.
You have a brother and a sister that are excited and waiting for you too. They may be absolutely terrified of you at first- but I know they will come to love you... especially when you learn how to throw a ball. In fact, you have so many people- family and friends- that are eagerly looking forward to meeting you- and learning your name. It's been a secret and a fun one to keep. I'm so thankful that you will have all these people in your life. You'll have so much love and happiness surrounding you. You'll always have someone to talk to and share with. You'll always have someone to help you and guide you. Most importantly, you'll always have someone to watch you, that we can trust, when mommy and daddy need a break....

I hope you have a wonderful sense of humor. That you are honest, open-minded and won't judge people. You will be caring and compassionate. You won't be afraid to say no and that you won't take no for an answer. I hope you'll live life to the fullest and that you get to experience everything this world has to offer.

One last thing, please come out quickly- but give me a warning and some time to get to the hospital first.

With love,
Your Mommy

39 days (give or take!) 08/25/2010
Just got back from our 36 week appointment and we got good news! Baby is already facedown (vertex) and facing my back (anterior) which is where we want her to be come her birth day! They "hope" (so I guess I should too) she stays this way! I will be suprised if she does because SHE MOVES ALL THE TIME.... except at night because she is AWESOME!! Although I do find it rather amusing that she likes to kick me when I'm trying to eat....

I've gained 2 pounds in the past 2 weeks! GO ME! I'm supposed to be gaining a pound a week now so I did well :) Now I'm up to 21 pounds! With the end in sight I'm confident I can achieve my goal of no more than 30!

Our family shower was last Saturday and it was a wonderful time. We got so much great stuff for her and it was a little overwhelming for me to see just how many great people we have in our lives that are helping us get ready for her arrival. It helps to know that the same people will be there after her arrival too :) Our party shower is Saturday... hoping I have enough energy to keep up (aka stay awake the whole time) with all these nonpreggo, young people....

My maternity bottoms are slowing not fitting and I'm having to equip them with rubber bands and belly bands.... I think I may end up wearing sheets held up with safety pins come the last couple weeks....

I start to get random 'freakout' thoughts in my head when I realize how close the end is... guess I should pack my bag soon..

32 Weeks... and counting... 08/11/2010
We just got back from our 32 week appointment. We have appointments every 2 weeks now until they bump me up to weekly.

I'm up 19 pounds. (Which if you do the math that is +7 from 3 weeks ago -- but I'm blaming our vacation for part of that....) All measurements are still good. Her heartbeat was 140 today.

She moves around A LOT... hopefully she will calm down a little as she gets bigger or I'm in big trouble. I have two days of professional developments next Monday and Tuesday... I don't know how well I'll be at sitting at those little kid cafeteria tables for 8 hours... debating bringing my classroom chair....

Still sleeping mostly through the night- thankfully! The only new problem I've had has been the awful heartburn. It woke me up last Saturday night it was so bad. Needless to say- I've stocked up on Tums and have been trying to have a glass of milk each night before I lay down.

July 31st was our Child Care class and we started our Childbirthing classes last Saturday. There are 4 weeks total for those. We also have a breastfeeding class Aug 23rd and our hospital tour is Sept 11. Seems like the closer we are getting to her due date the more stuff shows up on the calendar...

Our showers are coming up soon.. and I'm super excited! I love a good party :) (Plus I am excited to make the cake!!!)

I think I may pack my bags soon. Better safe than sorry, right?

I can't believe how soon she'll be here.... then everything changes forever.

72 days and counting... 07/23/2010
I always have so much to write until I sit down to type- then I have no recollection of what I wanted to write in the first place.

I hope I didn't jinx myself the other night when I told Matt that I really love being preggo. I don't really remember too much of the first trimester already- and since the sickness stopped it has been pretty smooth sailing. I love (most of the time) that I can feel her moving around in there. I think at this point she will a gymnast or a ballerina and not a karate kid or soccer player. She does a lot more flips and spins than kicks and punches as of late. I love that there have been nights that I put the headphones on her and she starts to move around, like she is dancing.

Our appointment last Wednesday (7-21) went really well. I've only gained 12 pounds so far. I'm proud of myself but I also have NO idea how that has happened. I certainly FEEL like I've gained more than 12! She is measuring well- and so am I. All my protein, sugar, blood pressure levels are where they are supposed to be. I was told I don't have to restrict anything as of now- I can still exercise and work and all that fun stuff. The doc said he thinks she is head-down now but also that it doesn't mean much at this point in time since she still has some room to flip around. Her heartbeat was 144. She kicked the nurse when she put the microphone on my stomach to listen to her. I laughed. I have a feeling we are going to have our hands full with this one.....

The doctor also laid out the rest of the check-up schedule for us. He said he likes working with even numbers.. so we have our next appt at 32 weeks (3 weeks away) and then every 2 until they decide to see me every week until she gets here.  Plus, he informed us that 36 weeks is the magic number- and after that point- if she tries to come into this world early- they won't stop her. It's exciting to think that she is almost here- but completely terrifying at the same time. I'm already starting to freak out about packing my bag- then I have to remind myself that we still have over 2 months until her due date. So close- but still so far away.

I'm excited for the shower and the party. My sister and I have been taking a cake decorating class and I kind of volunteered us to make the cake for the shower to show off what we can do. I'm excited for that (I've been getting some ideas online already!) and to see everyone! and to eat some food!

I'm also a mixture of emotions when it comes to the dogs meeting her. Mozy was pretty terrified of our nephew until he got bigger and could walk but Maggie hasn't been around little humans before.  I truly hope I am right in thinking they will be okay after a little adjustment period and that they will all grow up being the best of friends. I am praying the hardest part is going to be to teach them the difference between her toys and their toys. We also need to get Mozy's barking under control- he's going to be in BIG trouble if he keeps waking her up because a piece of trash blows past the house.

I've been posting pictures of my ever expanding waistline in the pictures section. It'll be funny to see just how big I get over the next 10 weeks!

Next stop: Third Trimester... 06/23/2010
Well, I went to my family doctor Monday morning and found out my cold was an upper respiratory infection problem. They got me on some antibiotics and some heavy-duty cough meds. I'm on day 3 of 5... and slowly feeling a little better. I think I mostly slept through the night last night for the first time in over a week!

Our appt went well at the baby's doctor that evening. Everything seems to be moving along as it should. I'm the right size and her heartbeat was 151. Since January I'm up 7lbs. which still gives me a nice cushion to work with over the next 3 months. My goal is no more than 25... we shall see! (I guess I shouldn't have eaten that ice cream last night...)

She's been moving around like crazy in there lately. I think I may start to track it- so maybe I'll have an idea of what I'm up against come October. She's usually up and dancing around 9pm. Matt felt her again last night kicking around. I think it has something to do with the cough meds... although they make me sleepy- maybe they make her want to party? Or maybe it's all the good music she's been listening to in there. I can only hope she gets my diverse taste in music.

July 12 is when I go in for my gestational diabetes screening. Basically, I get to drink a sugar mixture- wait around for 1 hour- then get my blood tested. Pray it goes well, because if my levels are high then I have to go back for the 3 HOUR test! Ugh. BORING!

I think I would like to get the 3D/4D ultrasound done. We would have to pay for it but I would like to see her one more time before October.... plus I would like to get a gender confirmation before it is too late :)

Our next appt is July 21. Then I get to start going twice a month! Goody!!

Happy Father's Day! 06/20/2010 
Hasn't been much by way of developments to report on. I've had a "cold" for the past week... it could be allergies, or dry air, or who knows what. I'm okay during the day- it's the night that really stinks. I can't remember the last time I slept through the night without waking up to cough, blow my nose or roll over... and from what I hear I should not expect it to get better over the next 3 months. No other strange body changes to report... just getting bigger and bigger and bigger....

School is out for the summer (FINALLY!!)... which means I've been taking the time to really go through our house: clean, organize, and throw away stuff we don't need. We went and sold some stuff at a flea market a few weeks ago- made about $300. That paid for the crib and bedding- so it was worth sitting outside in the sun for almost 8 hours- and my sun-burnt ankles.

I'm updating the pictures in the "nursery stuff" section. Now you can see real pictures of the nursery! It is a work in progress- I'll be adding and changing stuff up until she arrives. My family made some art for me to hang up (still waiting for AC Moore to call with my 'rain checked' frames) and someone special is painting the letters of the name for us. I can't give out her name for fear of what may be done to get that info out of her :)

Our next appointment is tomorrow 6/21 @ 5:30.
It's a Little Princess! 05/28/2010
She gave us a scare again.... looks like we might have a handfull in our future :)
Doc said that she's very perceptive. It was like she knew what we were trying to do. He also said she's one of the most difficult little ones he's ever had.
He said he's 99% sure- so she better come out as a girl.

We're going shopping for our registry tonight. I just bought the crib bedding- which you can see in the "Nursery Stuff" section. Last night we went to buy "Violet"- she's a Leapfrog stuffed dog. She sings/plays songs and even knows *************'s name and will help her spell it someday. It's a super cool toy.

So glad that we finally know- now we just have to wait 4 more months to meet her!

Bummer. 05/23/2010 
I didn't update after our last appointment (on 5-21) because I was really bummed out that we couldn't determine the gender at that time. However, I keep telling myself, regardless of gender, we have a presumably healthy baby growing in there.

Baby, as of now is in the 24%... of what I am not sure. She said the weight was 12oz.. which from all the websites I have looked at said was right on target. She didn't seem to worry about it- so I guess I shouldn't either. She said, whatever it was, is the low end of average.

I've now gained 6 pounds. Which doc said is fine as I didn't gain any weight the first trimester. Soon I should be gaining a pound a week. Great. Everything is progressing as it should and no problems to report :)

We are slowly getting things ready; baby showers, registries and the nursery. Everything is coming together. Which is unfortunate, only for the reason I have little else to think about except that I am going to be responsible for another human being. *S.c.a.r.y.*

Hopefully, after our second attempt this Thursday (6-27) we will finally know the gender and I can go SHOPPING! I was told to drink a soda (with caffeine) and eat a Happy Meal on the way over so the baby gets the wiggles.. and maybe that will help baby show what it's been trying to hide... *cross your fingers!*

....Stay tuned.....

1 week until we find out! 05/13/2010 
I can't believe we are almost half-way done! It seems like yesterday we found out. We are both so excited to find out what we can name this little thing we listen to every night. I've yet to positively identify and of "it's" movements... I'm waiting for an obviously "HELLO!" because I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be feeling. Last night could have been gas bubbles for all I know.

I have to admit, even with all my experience with babies (not my own of course) that there is so much stuff to buy and choose from. Who knew there are 5 levels of bottles nipples that can go on who knows how many types of bottles??? Next weekend Matt and I are going into the store to pick out what we can- since I want a lot of gender specific stuff after we find out. I cannot WAIT to get the crib bedding and start decorating! I've gotten pretty much all the big stuff registered for (except I cannot decide on a swing to save my life...)

This week has gone by SO FAST! I've been feeling great- albeit HUGE lately. This little thing is starting to grow like there is no tomorrow!

There should be more songs about Fridays.... cause Fridays are great! 05/07/2010 
This week has been uneventful, I'm happy to say. I've felt great all week! No crazy dreams to report on, hardly any numbness, no pains and no headaches that a couple pills couldn't help. Lovin' it.

I've noticed my "pregnant brain" is beginning to take over here lately. I feel like I shouldn't do anything but sit on a couch for fear I might break something, hurt someone, kill the dogs or wreck my car. That is a scary feeling when you have a "brain fart" when you are driving.... luckily Matt was there to tell me I was right and to keep going... jeez.

Went on an online shopping spree yesterday. My maternity wardrobe is getting bigger. It is so hard to find black pants that aren't $30- and really, WHY would I spend $30 on a pair of pants I'm going to wear for 5 months???? (maybe 10 if we decide to go for round 2) I try to not spend $30 on pants when I might get YEARS out of them :) Lol. I still haven't transitioned completely to maternity. Depends on the dinner I ate last night....

Less than 2 weeks until our appointment... it is going by too quick!

Vote soon! 05/04/2010
If you haven't voted whether you think it will be a boy-Lurz or a girl-Lurz you only have until May 20th to do so! That is only 16 days away!!! Just click on "Take A Poll" and cast your vote- it is a close race so far!!! :)

End of week 17... 05/01/2010 
Funny- once I get the approval to take Advil I don't need it. Very funny baby.

Still haven't noticed any movements yet but apparently my little squirt is going crazy dancing around in there.... just taking it day by day... it will happen soon enough.

We've been listening to the heartbeat almost every evening now with my new doppler device. We've timed it twice now and both times we got 150 beats/min. I've been able to find it pretty quickly- now that I know what I'm listening for.

I'm still getting the frequent crazy dreams. Some of them really just ruin my mornings.... plus, now I have to avoid laying on my back- as the ever gaining size of the baby decreases my blood flow... I don't know what other way to read in bed except on my back!! Sheesh.

New weird symptom popped up a week ago: finger numbness. My left hand goes numb from time to time. I went up to a salad bar last week and almost dropped my plate! It's almost like it falls asleep out of nowhere and it comes and goes...

Baby's first concert almost didn't happen last weekend. Within 10 minutes of the first band playing I almost blacked out. It was pretty scary, as it was like nothing I have experienced before. Not sure if it has to do with this: "The main cause of dizziness in pregnancy is due to the rising hormones that cause your blood vessels to relax and widen. This helps increase the blood flow to your baby, but it slows the return of the blood in the veins to you. This causes your blood pressure to be lower than usual, which can reduce the blood flow to your brain, temporarily causing dizziness." I just knelt on the floor and leaned against Matt's leg for a few minutes- got some water- and took it easy for awhile. I kept going to the bathroom because it was the only place there was to sit in this place until I was allowed to sit on some steps for 20 minutes. I was good to go by the time the headlining band took the stage. Whew! Needless to say, I won't be purchasing that first band's cd- don't think baby liked them too much :)

20 days until Matt and I know what we can call this little peanut.... everyone else will have to wait :P

4/21 Appointment Update 04/22/2010 
Everything is still looking great! I've gained .5lbs in the past month which puts me right back where I started- so I've gained no weight in 16 weeks. Doc said that gives me a nice cushion for the second half of the pregnancy- when I'm pretty much not going to be able to control the pound a week the baby will give to me.

It took the nurse about 30 minutes (not really- but that is what it felt like) to find the heartbeat. I started to get a little freaked out- she even asked me if I had my ultrasound yet (can they fire someone for that????)- but eventually she found it. Whew! She said it has to be a boy... apparently, in her experience, they like to hide and for some reason came to that conclusion again after listening to the actual heartbeat. My own doppler should arrive Monday so Matt and I can how many heartbeats/minute- since we weren't told yet. Hopefully (s)he isn't hiding when I try to find it myself.

I was also given the BEST NEWS EVER! I can take two Advil up to twice a week for my BAD migrains!! YAY! (I had another one yesterday so I remembered to ask.) So maybe by August- when I have to stop taking advil again- these monster ones will be gone. HURRAY!

We were thinking- and remember this is just in the talking stages- of having two "shower-parties." One for family and one for friends. I'm just not the baby shower kind of person. Plus I would like Matt to be there and enjoy it too. I'll post something when we've made a decision.

Also, I won't go to register until after May 20th. The majority of stuff I want is gender specific. I would rather just make one trip out and get it all over with at once. Plus, I haven't even started researching what we need to ask for. Sure, I know the basic stuff, but there is so much more I know I haven't even thought of. So I'll let everyone know when we go to do that.

Starting Week 16 Tomorrow... 04/17/2010 
....and I just read that baby can now pick up my voice. Guess I have to stop dropping the F-bomb when I'm driving.... didn't realize this happens so soon :)

Rain, Rain, Go Away. 04/16/2010 
This week has not been a good one. Work really sucked and I'm sure that didn't help these headaches. I'm so very glad it is Friday. I just want to relax this weekend. We're going to the Harrisburg Senators game tonight- if the weather hold up- right now it is not looking like it will. Last weekend we went to the Orioles game and baby decided it wanted to be a Braves fan :)

I bought an at home doppler. It was $35 and got decent reviews so I figured "why not?" (Hopefully it will ship a little faster than the crib did.) Now we can listen to the heartbeat at home whenever we want- we'll just have to find it first :)
Also planning on buying a mattress soon. That way the crib will be all ready for the bedding next month when we find out what this baby is.

Not sure if I'm supposed to be feeling like (s)he is one gender or the other. Aren't I supposed to have some kind of instinct... because really... I have no clue or feeling on this.

6 days until the appointment.... can't get here soon enough.

Not-so-welcome to the Second Trimester 04/12/2010 
Well, I thought I was one of those ladies who found headache relief with pregnancy- not so much this past week. I've had some real humdingers. I mean, at one point I honestly thought I wasn't going to make it. It felt like something was squeezing my brain- something REALLY STRONG!

I tried napping (which usually works- It didn't)
I tried a shower.
I tried laying on the couch with a wet rag.
I tried throwing up- okay- I didn't really have a choice.
I took 4 acetaminophen, since it is all that I CAN take...

Eventually it went away. That was the worst one- back on April 5th. Since then- about every other day- I feel one coming on and if I take something quickly- then it seems to fade away. Well, most of the time... today was another day I was asleep on the couch with a cold rag when Matt got home.

I'm still squeezing into my regular pants- although I have to rearrange myself quite frequently since the buttons dig into my skin. I'm really praying I don't rip the ass out of a pair at work. I have to change as soon as I get home into something comfortable. Have I mentioned I cannot wait until summer!?! My maternity pants still fall down. I wish this phase would pass.

I'm worried that I haven't gained enough weight (for once in my life.) Really, I eat lots... so I don't get it. I'm hoping it's just that both the scales at my gym are different then the one at the doctors. I don't want to get yelled at- or worse, something be wrong. At least Matt can vouch for me- I eat all the time!

I'm getting super excited to have the "quickening." A snazzy word that just means the first time I feel it moving around in there. Women have described it as butterflies or bubbles. It usually happens around 16 weeks- but that's for people who have done this before. For first time mom's- like myself- it might not even happen until 20 weeks!! UGH!

I still have 8 days until my next appointment. I look forward to hearing our baby again. I even borrowed a stethoscope from work so I can listen for it at home- but that probably won't happen until (s)he is about ready to join us... but it occupies my time at least :)

Welcome Second Trimester! 04/04/2010
...and Happy Easter!

The crib is now assembled and awaiting a mattress! (Pictures to come.)

I've felt awesome this week! I have noticed more dizziness when getting up too fast. I'll just have to slow down a little. My appetite has returned in full force- so watch out- I'll eat mine and yours too!

I'm in that stupid stage of clothing where nothing fits. My regular clothes are starting to feel uncomfortable and my maternity clothes fall off. Too bad I can't wear sweatpants to work....

Next appointment is April 21. Hasn't it been a month since the last one already?!?!?

..... mail it already! 03/30/2010
I ordered our crib! (the one pictured in the pictures section..) I got a great deal on amazon.com! Now I just have to wait for it to come... and it hasn't even been mailed yet!!!!! I HATE WAITING!

I also put pictures of crib bedding that I really like. I LOVE the one for a baby girl with the pink and yellow! I do like the one for the boy- but I will keep looking because I don't think it will go with the color of the room.... in fact- I will do that now!

Good news... I've felt GREAT this week! HOORAY! Finally! I feel like I've gotten SO much done!! We joined the new gym yesterday too! Pool---- here I come!

Thump Thump..... Thump Thump 03/25/2010 
Matt and I heard our baby's heartbeat for the first time yesterday! So very cool. We heard little bits here and there- the nurse said (s)he was moving around - but I think it was because I kept laughing everytime she found it.

Everything is progressing as it's supposed to. All my measurements were good. I found out I lost .5 lbs. I feel like over the past 2 months I have done nothing BUT put food in my mouth... although it has been healthy stuff ...okay, not all of it... but still. Many times I haven't been able to eat much of a meal because I would feel full right after I started eating. Plus, I've noticed that a lot of time I'll eat food I LOVE only to eat it and think "blah, that doesn't taste as good as I remember...." Depressing.

I was also informed that I am not totally immune to Rubella (aka. German Measles) and will get a booster shot after the baby comes. I'm to avoid it at all costs because- although it is rare- it can be very bad for baby.

Overall, a very successful visit.

I told my Kindergarteners yesterday as well. They were all very happy and had lots of questions. They asked how old the baby is, and one asked "will you still be here... to teach us?"  I answered that they would be big first graders by the time baby arrives. They must have been excited because a few of their parents congratulated me this morning.

Slowly but surely I'm getting to feel better more and more and more..... and I haven't taken a nap all week :) Second trimester- HERE I COME!

Entering Week 12 03/21/2010
Loving this beautiful weather!! High 60s and low 70s all this weekend. It will be a little cooler this week- but no snow!!

We are almost done with the 1st trimester... and I hope I am one of those many people who say that the 2nd trimester greeted them with LESS sickness and MORE energy! Lord knows that I need it- I feel like I cannot sleep enough! Friday night I fell asleep by 9pm and slept in until 11am and, no kidding, by 4pm I needed a nap!

I still get that "yucky" feeling off and on. I also had a wretched headache last Thursday and Friday. It was a sinus headache... and the only thing known to help mine happens to be Advil Sinus- and guess what I am not allowed to take? Yup- Advil Sinus.

My second doctor appointment is Wednesday. Matt will be making the trip this time- unless he gets stuck in traffic.

I got a 30% coupon for Old Navy this weekend. We went today and I got some maternity shirts and pants. I'll be all set for summer to arrive. I'm really looking forward to summer break. Swimming in the pool. Reading in the air conditioning! Getting the nursery and house all ready for the new arrival. And, of course, SHOPPING!

Cannot believe March is almost over already. Someone told me that although you feel better once the second trimester rolls around- time also feels like it is getting slower and slower.... we shall see!

...make that less than 7 months... 03/11/2010 
We saw our little one today! The little heart was beating so fast and we even got to see a little backflip to say "hello mom and dad!" Active already... oh boy...

The doctor said (s)he is 1.5" already so he moved our due date up one week. Wondering if it has something to do with how early we were able to get a positive test??

He also said there is only one in there. YES!!!

The waiting room was not a good time. I probably easily could have passed out or vomited due to the nerves. Just glad everything is moving along as it should be! Now we only have to wait 9.5 weeks more until I can stop saying "it."

7 months until our due date! 03/10/2010
Happy 1st Birthday Maggie!

It is 7:30pm and I'm ready to fall asleep! I'm not going to make it through American Idol!! OH NO!

Tomorrow is the big day!!!! We finally get to see our little squirt! I'm super excited- but I get a little more nervous each moment that I think about it. I'm wondering what we will see (with it being the size of an olive and all) and really hoping to hear the heartbeat. I think that tomorrow will make it REALLY real for us... seeing that there is really something alive and growing in there.... in me. Odd just thinking about it.

Thanks! 03/06/2010 
Thanks for all the comments and well wishes! I love that our family and friends can be a part of this wonderful experience! I appreciate all the suggestions and stories too. I've been learning a lot through the internet and the bag of magazines/books I was given at the doctor's office- but I'm know there is still a ton of information and secret tips to know!!

To answer great grandpa Hanes' question: yes, we are planning on finding out if its going to be a Mini-Kelly or a Mini-Matt. Our secret will be the names we- thankfully- already have agreed on. To those of you I told before Matt and I decided to NOT tell- keep it to yourselves.... and to those of you who don't know- you will find out in October!

End of Week 8 03/06/2010
Day by day I'm starting to feel a little better- less of the once constant sickness. However, I am getting more and more exhausted in the evening.... but I will take that over the sickness any day. My 12oz allowance of caffeine has been a life saver during the work day!

Matt and I went to the Athletic Club of York yesterday to check out their rates. They have a lap pool. I think it would be a good idea to join. Plus, they have a Wumba class (which is the Zumba class- but in the pool!) That would be perfect for when I have no control over my balance!

Going to start getting the nursury cleaned out today. I already have a crib picked out from Target (I'll post a picture in the "Pictures" section- if possible) and still looking for a white dresser. Don't think I'm going to do the changing table- because isn't that what the floor is for?? :)

So excited for Thursday! Hoping it all goes well. I know it will be one of those moments we will never forget.

1st Appointment 03/02/2010 
Well, I braved the first appointment by myself. I called to see if we would hear or see anything and they said not at this time- so I spared him 90 minutes. Which I must say proudly, I've read enough that I knew about 95% of what they told me- and what I know- Matt knows- whether he wants to or not :)

So, next Thursday is when we have our first glance at our little baby! (Hoping only one little one is in there!!)

We also set up an appointment to meet with a nutritionist the following Monday. I'm excited for that. Right now I have to thank Wheat Thins for getting me through my work days.
Good news- I got the official okay to have a little caffeine each day!!! There have been some points at work I could have curled up on the carpet and fallen asleep. Whatever happened to Kindergarten nap time anyway??

Oh the joys... 02/27/2010 
Well, that coming and going queaziness is now a pretty much constant in my life since this week began. Let me tell you- it S.U.C.K.S. I'm hoping it sticks to just the queaziness and doesn't turn into vomiting. I've done some research and will try some of the remedies I've seen listed. I'm crossing my fingers that I'm one of the ones who sees this disappear at 12 weeks....
I've also started to have skin problems- which is something I didn't have the pleasure of growing up with.
Taking naps (and I mean 3 hour naps) are awesome! Seriously, since I toss and turn a lot at night.

However, on the bright side, all these annoying symptoms mean that everything is developing well. There are also studies linking morning sickness to intelligent babies---- meaning we may just have a little Einstein on the way- or Matt said a professional sports player. :)

Monday is our first appointment. I'm more excited than worried at this point. I hope I get to see something. I guess I'm taking Matt along with me. It is a 90 minute appointment- so I might tell him to bring a magazine along just in case.

Honeymoon is over... 02/21/2010 
We just got back from our Vegas vacation yesterday! We had a great time!

Too bad it was also the week the coming and going queaziness began. Not so much fun when you are on an airplane!!
Week 4 Update 02/06/2010 
I felt awesome all week! Let's hope it continues!

Today was the first blizzard Baby Lurz got to experience. We're a little over 2 feet now! Unfortunatly Baby is only the size of a poppy seed and won't see the beautiful snow. But I took pictures :)
Sharing of the secret! 01/30/2010 
We told our parents the news last night.
My parents opened a picture frame with a message saying "I can't wait to meet you in October. Love, Your future Grandbaby"When we left we called Matt's parents and asked if we could stop by since we were on our way to the movies in Hanover and had some time to kill. When we got there they asked "so you're going to see a movie?" and Matt's reply was "No...... we just needed an excuse to tell you we're having a kid." There was a little delay- and then the realization of what he said.
So our parents, brothers and sisters, and a couple of co-workers know. Everyone seems super thrilled and excited. We want to wait until March 1st- after our first appt- to share the info with the rest of the world.

Blood test results... 01/29/2010
are.... POSITIVE! :) Whew- now I can go about my day...

My first appointment is on March 1st. They said it would be about an hour and a half.... jeez!

Oh the joys. 01/28/2010 
So I decided to go ahead and call the doctors office. I will be going to the Women's Health Center since I have been going to them for the past 10 years. They sent me to another site to get my blood taken for a pregnancy test just to confirm the home tests. (Which now I'm freaking out because what if the blood test is negative???) I have not been blessed with plump veins.... both my arms are now bandaged up. Lovely. I will be calling the office around lunch tomorrow to get the verdict.....
I've noticed changes over the past 3 days... yucky feeling in the morning, lower back aches all day, exhaustion that comes and goes as it pleases and just go ahead- call me Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde :)

It is POSITIVE! 01/27/2010 
Took the test early this morning..... we are having a baby! My monthly friend isn't actually due until Sunday.... so I bought one of those 5-day sooner (but it is really only 4 days sooner) tests. The sooner you take it the less odds you will get an accurate positive answer- but we did!! This baby must be something special!

1 Week Down... 1 Week Left to Wait! 01/24/2010 
In the TTC world it is known as the "2WW" or "2 week wait." Basically, it is the two weeks from conception until the day you can find out if you are preggo.
I'm trying to keep myself occupied. I've been coming up with baby names, looking at cute baby announcements, visually planning the nursery. Anything, really, to keep my mind off of how long these 2 weeks feel. Also, to keep my mind from thinking anything negative.....

First Post! 01/09/2010
So, here we go. We have made the decision to try to have a little Lurz. Preparations began in October 2009. I got off the BC, starting taking multivitamins, cut back on the alcohol and stopped smoking completely. (YAY!!) This week I stopped drinking alcohol & caffeine and switched to prenatal vitamins. LMP: January 4, 2010.